On Following Mediocre Leaders


    We human beings have a strange relationship with leadership. We love it, but hate it. We crave it, but resent it. We long to be led, but contend with those who lead us. We witness this phenomenon in toddlers, in seniors, and in everyone between. As soon as we have the ability to shake our fists, and for as long as we have the ability to shake our fists, we shake them at those who lead us.


    Our tendency is to assign the blame to the leaders themselves. The fact is, there are not a lot of great leaders. That’s true in the corridors of power, in the workplace, in the church, in the home. Just like, by definition, most of us are of average height and average intelligence, most of us are of average leadership ability. A few are brilliant, a few are awful, but most fall somewhere in the middle—average, adequate, mediocre.

    The question each of us has to consider is this: How do we follow mediocre leaders? After all, we will spend much of our lives doing exactly that. While we may wish we’ll be called to follow the few who are great, the law of averages makes it far more likely we’ll be called to follow the many who are not-so-great. What to do?

    Perhaps the place to begin is with admitting our own mediocrity. Just as we are all called to follow in some areas of life, we are called to lead in others. The harsh reality is that few of us lead as skillfully as we may think we do. Few of us lead as ably as we might wish. Our intentions may be good, but our abilities are not. Realistically, we ourselves often frustrate those who follow us. We often lead erratically, impulsively, selfishly, unsympathetically. It is, hopefully, a short step from reality to humility. If we lead with mediocrity, yet still demand to be followed, how can we expect so much more of those who lead us? We must grant the grace we want others to extend to us. We must follow others as we’d wish to be followed, not just through our brilliant decisions, but also through those that are difficult, debatable, or, in the final analysis, misguided.

    From the humility of our own mediocrity we can consider God’s natural ordering of the world. Embedded in the Ten Commandments is a guide to the way God has ordered relationships. God holds ultimate, divine authority over all creatures, and we owe our first allegiance to him. But God delegates some of his authority to others. Standing between the commandments directed toward God and the commandments directed toward human beings we find these words: “Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”