Who Do You Say Jesus Is?


    Some time ago I heard an interview with Bono on a public news station, and the subject of Jesus came up. I guess Bono was in one of his truth-moods because here’s what he said:

    “The secular response to the Christ story always goes like this: ‘He was a great prophet, obviously a very interesting guy, had a lot to say along the lines of other great prophets, be they Elijah, Muhammad, Buddha, or Confucius.’


    But actually Christ says, ‘No. I’m not saying I’m a teacher; don’t call me teacher. I’m not saying I’m a prophet. I’m saying … “I am God in the flesh.”’

    And people say: ‘No, no, please, just be a prophet. A prophet we can take. You’re a bit eccentric, but we’ve had John the Baptist eating locusts and wild honey; so we can handle that. But not the Messiah! Because, you know, we’re going to have to crucify you if you say that.’


    And he goes: ‘No, no, I … actually am the Messiah.’


    At this point, everyone starts staring at their shoes, and saying, ‘Oh, my God; he’s going to keep saying this.’

    So what you’re left with is either Christ was who he said he was—God incarnate, the Messiah—or a complete nutcase. I mean, we’re talking nutcase on the level of Charles Manson … I’m not joking here. And, the idea that the entire course of civilization for over half of the globe could have its fate changed and turned upside-down by a nutcase, for me that’s a little far fetched …”

    What Bono was communicating, despite the anchor’s best efforts to change the subject, is basically what the Apostle Peter said to those who liked Jesus but would not submit to his lordship: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah” (Acts 2:36 CSB).

    Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, the long-awaited King. They tried to redefine him, but he wouldn’t have that, so they killed him. But then God overturned their verdict with his own, the resurrection, declaring Jesus to be both Lord and Messiah.

    And now, like those whose opinion was overruled, we have to choose: Is Jesus who he says he is, or is he who we say he is?

    It’s time to put away this redefinition game with Jesus. How insulting! We wouldn’t do this with any other human being. Why do we think it’s OK to do with Jesus?

    Imagine someone came up to you and said, “I’ve been watching you, and I’d like to write your biography.”

    Pretty honoring, right? But imagine if they kept going:

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