This Nine-question Quiz Will Ruin Your Day


    The Apostle Paul says that at the core of all our sin is idolatry. He didn’t just mean bowing down to statues (though that counts). Idolatry is much bigger than that: It’s deciding something has such worth and weight that we think possessing it is the key to a happy life. So we prioritize it over knowing and obeying God.

    Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship” (CSB).

    Paul is asserting that worship should be an eminently reasonable, common-sense response to what God has done.

    Yet at the core of everyone’s sin is a worship disorder. So, what is that for you? What in your life has ultimate worth? What is the key to a happy life? What do you feel you couldn’t be happy without?

    If you really want to uncover the things in your life that steal your worship from God, then you need to do an Idolatry Detection Test.

    1. Fill in this blank: The thing I’d be most worried about losing is ________________.

    2. Fill in this blank: The thing I’d be most worried about never attaining is ________________.

    3. Fill in this blank: “If I could change ________________ about myself right now, I would.”

    4. Throughout your life, what have you been most willing to sacrifice for?

    5. What has made you the most bitter in life?

    6. What can’t you forgive?

    7. What are you willing to lie for?

    8. Where do you turn for comfort?

    9. Whose approval do you seek?

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