A Response toward those who are Suffering

    • Issues addressed in this session:
      • How to comfort others going through pain
    • How should we respond
      • Always be aware what you say and what not to say
      • Sometimes it is best to say nothing
      • Be a comfort to those in need
      • Be truth to those in need
      • Be strength to those in need
      • Be a light to those in need (point them to Christ)
    • Key Bible Passages:
      • Job (the progression of dialogue with Job and his friends)
      • 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
      • 1 Peter 4:19 (Example of passage with another context)
      • Galatians 6:2
      • Mathew 22:39
      • Matthew 6:31-34

    Answer the question in smaller groups:

    • What positive and negative experiences have you had from others (or yourselves) when going through painful circumstances
    • Look at how Jesus ministered with Mary, Martha, and others when their brother Lazarus suffered:
      • Be Personal: Jesus wept with them
      • Be Prayerful: Jesus prayed for them
      • Be Practical: Jesus helped. Ask how you can help and encourage
      • Be Pro-active: Jesus went to go and awake him. Don’t wait for someone who is suffering to ask for help
      • Be Persistent
      • Be Positive: Proverbs 25:11 states, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures (a setting) of silver.” A timely word is both beautiful and valuable.
    • What to Say and Do:
      • Don’t say unkind, incorrect, or untimely things
      • Speak truth when the time is right
      • See them; Listen to them; Weep with them; Love them
    • What Not to Say/Do:
      • Everyone suffers differently. Some speak. Some are silent. Some vent all their feelings to anyone and everyone, while others simply shut down. For those of us who want to comfort the suffering, the Bible simply doesn’t tell us what to say exactly. Solomon admonishes us on a number of occasions to be ever so selective with the timing and tone of our words. “A word fitly spoken is like golden apples in a setting of silver.” (Prov. 25.11) Or “a gentle tongue can break a bone.” (Prov. 25.15)
      • Don’t try to give them the answer as to why it happened:
        • “It will all work out for the better”
        • “It must be some kind of punishment for sin”
        • Etc…

    The Cross of Christ Provides the Greatest Comfort Thru Suffering

      • Peace in any and every circumstance can be found in Christ
      • Philippians 4:6-9
        • Bring it to Christ in prayer
        • Continue meditating on Him
        • Continue serving Him
        • The Peace of God will be with you
    • Final remarks on the series:
      • Any questions/comments?
      • Was this series helpful?

    Takeaway Truths:

    • Understand that giving doctrine is better proactive than reactive
    • Understand that our faith can be strengthened through suffering

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